Help me choose a cab..

Hey guys, I'm on a budget and I'm trying to pick my first cab.

I was looking at that real cheap Harley Benton 2x12 because it comes with v30s loaded in it. It sells for 250 bucks which is less than the cost of 2 v30 speakers which is the attraction.

I'm also looking at those cheap marshall 4x12s but they come with Celestion G12E-60 speakers in them and I'm reading that those are kind of lousy.

So should I go for the 2x12 with better speakers or the 4x12 with crappier ones? Ive read people say that you just get a better sound from a larger cab. Not sure how true that is.

What do you guys think? I can spend 600 bucks if I have to. Is there something else I should be looking at in that range?
