I believe there is going to be a checkpoint or "reset point" coming soon...

This "checkpoint" will be created once all the factions and their mechanics have been mostly introduced...

Once this "checkpoint" is created, the war can truly begin. Super Earth will be allowed to fall; if it falls, the galactic war will "reset" to the created checkpoint.

This is similar to how Helldivers 1 currently functions.

What this means: every planet we lose and gain is a PERMANENT addition to the lore until the checkpoint is created. (Yes, Joel has a specific way that certain things have to happen for the story to progress, however, every lost planet and defense will permanently contribute to what the galactic war will look like every time we "win" or "lose" and then reset. So this mentality that it doesn't matter if we pay attention to the MOs or not is completely false...)

Current Theories on what's coming:

When we get into the gloom, we will discover that some helldivers have actually been able to survive. Adapting to their new environment. This will come with a warbond release themed around that.

The Automotons are staging a jet brigade attack on the deep mantle forge complex. When they take it, they will gain access to alloys that will let them produce new units... (check the companion app, the resistance on Menkent is increasing... last time before they attacked the resistance on the planet they came from slowly increased to 4%) (makes since that the jet brigade staging ground would be on Menkent, the helldivers would never want to attack it willingly)

The Illuminate will lauch an invasion that functions similarly to the Automoton jet brigade. The strength/level of the defense will increase with every Illuminate invasion we've failed to defend. (Check the companion app: every invasion has a stat called "accumulation risk" every lost invasion increases a number "somewhere" by 120,000. A level 1 invasion has 50,000 hp... If someone wants to do the math on how many invasions we've failed to defend then we might get an idea of how strong the main invasion is going to be...)

I believe there is going to be a checkpoint or "reset point" coming soon...

This "checkpoint" will be created once all the factions and their mechanics have been mostly introduced...

Once this "checkpoint" is created, the war can truly begin. Super Earth will be allowed to fall; if it falls, the galactic war will "reset" to the created checkpoint.

This is similar to how Helldivers 1 currently functions.

What this means: every planet we lose and gain is a PERMANENT addition to the lore until the checkpoint is created. (Yes, Joel has a specific way that certain things have to happen for the story to progress, however, every lost planet and defense will permanently contribute to what the galactic war will look like every time we "win" or "lose" and then reset. So this mentality that it doesn't matter if we pay attention to the MOs or not is completely false...)

Current Theories on what's coming:

When we get into the gloom, we will discover that some helldivers have actually been able to survive. Adapting to their new environment. This will come with a warbond release themed around that.

The Automotons are staging a jet brigade attack on the deep mantle forge complex. When they take it, they will gain access to alloys that will let them produce new units... (check the companion app, the resistance on Menkent is increasing... last time before they attacked the resistance on the planet they came from slowly increased to 4%) (makes since that the jet brigade staging ground would be on Menkent, the helldivers would never want to attack it willingly)

The Illuminate will lauch an invasion that functions similarly to the Automoton jet brigade. The strength/level of the defense will increase with every Illuminate invasion we've failed to defend. (Check the companion app: every invasion has a stat called "accumulation risk" every lost invasion increases a number "somewhere" by 120,000. A level 1 invasion has 50,000 hp... If someone wants to do the math on how many invasions we've failed to defend then we might get an idea of how strong the main invasion is going to be...)