Guys help pls
Hi guys! I'm having my exams in 2 weeks and I really feel stressed about how it's gonna go. I have basically no time left and don't feel nearly as prepared as I should for my finals. Math maybe I can scrape a 6, but after the m24 papers I have no idea how it'll go (I literally got 46 and 44 for pp1 and 2). English, psych and french I think I'm fine with. It's just chemistry and physics I'm worried about. Like physics i can do cause of the low grade boundaries, but I'm genuinely scared BC I have no idea how to do half the HL sylabbus. Chemistry I've always been bad at, never got above 21 for pp1 and 35 for pp2, and don't even get me started about pp3. Literally the bane of my existence is pp3 for every subject. My sister got a 39 and I genuinely don't think I can compete with that or anything close. Are there any tips anyone can give to help get better in what limited time I have? Thank you so so much, and good luck to all the n24s!!