Why do we Indians idolise whiteness and look down on our own?
It’s a question I came across on this sub and figured it would be more useful to make a post about it rather than voice my opinion on a comment hardly one person will ever read.
It’s because to some extent, all Indians have an inferiority complex. We look up to white people and look down upon brown people. It is a sentiment conditioned into us from centuries of invasions and colonisation.
People say to me, “How could you date him? He’s so much darker than you” or “you used to be fairer as a kid” or just compliment me based on the colour of my skin. At first I used to hate people for it. Now, I just feel sorry for us. We talk about unity, but our beauty standards betray us.
Don’t complain about racism abroad when you practise it at home. I’ll leave it at that