Is my professor biased?

Hi! Writing here to get some insight. This semester, I took a subject called "West Asia," and most of the focus was on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Our professor, is primarily a journalist (has a degree in traffic engineering, but at least has spent a long time in the Middle East.) The issue I have is that the professor consistently presents Israel as being in the wrong and portrays Palis as the ones in the right. I feel like he's not presenting the reality objectively, as he tends to focus more on the Palis perspective. When I learn from someone who is considered an expert, I expect unbiased information and a balanced view of the situation. But in his lessons, I could sense his sympathy for the Pali and Arab cause and his dislike for the state of Israel. He often stated only one side of reality or speculations. He downplayed instances of violence against Jews and subtly suggested that it was somehow their fault when violence occurred. Examples of weird things he says: 1) he claimed that Jews did not experience anti-Semitism in Arab countries ruled by Islam before the creation of the state of Israel. 2) He spoke only of the immigration of Russian and Eastern European citizens to Palestine, ignoring the Mizrahi or Sephardic Jews (so it looked like classical narrative of „European colonizers“). 3) he said Jews doesn’t equal Zionists, saying they had to be convinced they were a nation (to create Israel) despite not having much in common except religion (what about ethnicity and origin?!). He recommended a book called "An Imaginary Nation“. 4) when speaking about the “only Jewish claim” to land Israel - from Bible, he questioned its authenticity, suggesting it might have been written up to 1000 years after the events it describes. 5) Jewish archaeologists deliberately dug under Arab houses (poor palis) to find Jewish artifacts and used them to claim the land as their „promised land“ 6) when discussing Palestinians collaborating with Nazis, he quickly added that Jewish extremists also wanted to collaborate with Hitler. 7) he said that fe. Iraqi jews didn’t want to go Israel and so its possible that Israel's secret services orchestrated attacks on Jewish institutions in diaspora countries, such as Iraq, to coerce Jews into making aliyah 8) says that caricature of Jews are censored in the west, so they don’t get their feelings hurt, but caricatures of muslims are not censored and so of course muslims see this „unjust“ approach (Charlie Hebdo etc.) 9) when speaking about "pallywood" he says that israel happilly release the correct footage to the world to say "look how palis are manipulating the world". He adds "my personal journalistic point of view is: I don’t know why are the Palis doing this, cause they have been shot dead so many times by Israelis in reality, why are they inventing some more and actually harming themselves? But that's their fight." 10) stuff like: israel is blocking gaza and poor people there have to light with oil lamp etc. 11) our country is too much pro-israel and fe.: our politicians who display Israeli flag as a solidarity symbol here is distasteful. Oh and unrelated example of his strange views: he compares Iran morality police to police here in EU. Like: „you also cant go out here in EU in just a bra or naked!“ WTF. Anyway…He rarely mentions anything bad about Palis (the daily violence, terrorists hiding behind their own civilians, kids indoctrination, no elections etc. if so, he excuse it by Israels fault). I know Israel isn’t perfect (who is?!) but damn, I think ppl who don’t know much about Israel just got served with very strange biased lectures. Im thinking about talking about it to school superiors. Thanks.