Front Mission 1st Remake Was A Lot of Fun

My introduction to Front Mission as a series was going to a friend's house and their dad playing Front Mission 3 on the PS1. I didn't know the title of the game for years and when I finally found it I tried to find the first 2.

I was shocked to learn they weren't released in North America but that same friend had a cartridge of Front Mission for the SNES that was a fan translation so the translation was horrible and I never got oast the second mission.

I never owned a DS so didn't get to play it then either. I tried emulation but I couldn't get into it because it wasn't the same feeling.

So a few weeks ago Front Mission 1st Remake was on sale on the PS Store and I bought it. I finally finished the game tonight.

Let me say the story is straightforward and not a clunky mess. It seems to honor the original game and is loads of fun to play.

I had a great time customizing my mechs but I will say training two pilots in just hand to hand fighting with the club weapons and they become really overpowered. First, Double and Stun just breaks enemies so I loved it.

To be fair this is a basic game with simple mechanics and to me at least good design and a solid soundtrack. There is some strategy involved but most battles won't have you repeating them a hundred times over unless you really screw up I had to load a save from one battle because a lot of my Wanzers were using treads or hover jets instead of legs and for some reason couldn't go down the cliffs, still it was a lesson learned.

Another plus in our limited gamer economy when it comes to time, it's a short game. 30 Missions and you can wrap it up in less time than I did but I split my time between multiple games.

This is what I personally want out of remakes, they don't really take anything away and add quality of life updates to the game overall.

A good tactical JRPG brougut back to life. I cannot wait to pick up the Front Mission 2 Remake. I already have Front Missiob 03 on my PS3 as a PS Classic and Front Mission 4 for my PS2. Looking dorward to continuing the series.