Could the U.S. be seriously contemplating invading Mexico or sending in special forces into Northern Mexico to hunt cartel members and infrastructure
I am first going to say that I am completely against this idea. The easiest solution is to legalize or decriminalize all drugs and regulate and tax them. Instead we are going to choose the hard way and go into a possible kinetic conflict in northern Mexico including special forces and air strikes against cartel targets and warehouses and bases.
This would mean we could be in a multi year conflict with the drug cartels. Meanwhile ignoring the 800 pound gorilla in the room, the illegal drug industry in the U.S. which is worth $100 billion dollars. That drug industry if legalized and taken into the legitimate economy with narcotics being prescribed in a controlled setting with nurses and doctors available it will address both the issue of drug overdoses and illegal aspects of this. But instead we need another losing war. It’s not as if the U.S. hasn’t been in a drug war since the Nixon administration.
There are hundreds of thousands of non violent offenders in prison because of drugs. Most of whom can be released immediately if drugs are legal. We can end the crime associated with drugs and reduce our prison population simultaneously but that’s if we are smart. But we aren’t. We are going into another quagmire.
Did you know that one aspect of the war in Afghanistan was a drug war against heroin producers. FYI we lost that war too.