A thought about the Spinosaurus

So back in 2001 that's what we thought the Spinosaurus looked like. And 24 years later it turns out it looks completely different and it acted completely different (probably couldn't actually snap the neck of a T Rex either)

Also in JP3 the Spinosaurus is not supposed to be on Isla Sorna. It was illegally cloned and all of the sudden it just became the giant apex predator of the Island. Not to mention the off the charts aggressiveness of it.

Years down the line when Jurassic World came out, it introduced the Indominus Rex, which was a Hybrid dinosaur. It had the same level of aggression as the Spinosaurus did. But probably lacked in overall toughness.

By this time we knew that the JP3 Spino was inaccurate and some people started to theorize that it too, like the Indominus Rex, was a hybrid.

Here's my thought about it. What if the tried to create an actual Spinosaurus but they had so little samples of it that they had to perhaps mix it with something else (Baryonyx perhaps since the JP3 Spino looks like a giant one with a sail) maybe something went wrong and they created the monstrosity we know today as the JP3 Spinosaurus and they just tucked it away from the public eye on Isla Sorna?