Cheshire Cat
Good afternoon, y’all. Seasoned KH player and stan here (I truly think we should all team up and sue Nomura for emotional distress but anyways…) I wanted to know how do you guys feel about Cheshire Cat? I heard that somewhere in the KH Manga he was supposed to join forces w/ the villains but refused. However, I always felt like he knew more than he led on. I mean, bigger than the situation with The Queen and Alice. I wouldn’t be surprised if he seen the overall picture the same way there are other Disney characters that hinted about knowing about other worlds and situations despite them not being a main character.
I’d also like to say as a child he creeped me the hell out. I always felt like he was invisible watching me all the time when I was maneuvering to find Alice or just walking around in that world, period. Im pretty sure he knew who kidnapped Alice as well.