How did you get into the game?

This Question is simple (and clean), how did you get into kingdom hearts or how did you get introduced to it? Did you discover it somewhere? Did someone tell you about it? I wanna know how you ended up getting into that game. For me, it started when i was 4 years old.. pretty young but eh i guess that‘s how it is. My older sister loved the Kingdom Hearts Series and she really wanted to play the game and begged my mother to get it. My mother eventually bought her the game and my sister always played it in the living room. I eventually started watching her play with my other older sister and by time, i thought „That looks so cool!“ and i even asked if i could play. My sister only allowed me to use the skateboard when she got Kingdom Hearts 2 where you play as Roxas. But damn i thought „This is so fun! But i want to do the fighting like you do!“. My sister did move out eventually but when i was 14 years old, my other older sister who still lives with us got the „Kingdom Hearts The Story so far“ for the PS4 and Kingdom Hearts 3 and she allowed me to play it on my own PS4. And then i ACTUALLY got into playing the game. 4 year old me waited for that day to come. So, that‘s my story and now you can tell yours!

This Question is simple (and clean), how did you get into kingdom hearts or how did you get introduced to it? Did you discover it somewhere? Did someone tell you about it? I wanna know how you ended up getting into that game. For me, it started when i was 4 years old.. pretty young but eh i guess that‘s how it is. My older sister loved the Kingdom Hearts Series and she really wanted to play the game and begged my mother to get it. My mother eventually bought her the game and my sister always played it in the living room. I eventually started watching her play with my other older sister and by time, i thought „That looks so cool!“ and i even asked if i could play. My sister only allowed me to use the skateboard when she got Kingdom Hearts 2 where you play as Roxas. But damn i thought „This is so fun! But i want to do the fighting like you do!“. My sister did move out eventually but when i was 14 years old, my other older sister who still lives with us got the „Kingdom Hearts The Story so far“ for the PS4 and Kingdom Hearts 3 and she allowed me to play it on my own PS4. And then i ACTUALLY got into playing the game. 4 year old me waited for that day to come. So, that‘s my story and now you can tell yours!