Rumour is that Vereena Sayed who was in a long coma after a deadly motorcycle crash in February, is coming back to YouTube very soon!
She has apparently created these messages on her Instagram and her fans are getting hyped. I just hope that they were really posted by her and not somebody messing about. (I wonder why it wasn’t posted in a grid post of stories added to a highlight)
There has been no word on her physical state of recovery so I hope that people are gentle and patient with her if she doesn’t come back looking the same as she did before.
She has apparently created these messages on her Instagram and her fans are getting hyped. I just hope that they were really posted by her and not somebody messing about. (I wonder why it wasn’t posted in a grid post of stories added to a highlight)
There has been no word on her physical state of recovery so I hope that people are gentle and patient with her if she doesn’t come back looking the same as she did before.