Played Pantheon this weekend, had fun... isn't that enough?

Game gets a lot of hate, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far. It's already been worth my 40$ and I expect to get a lot more value out of that. As an EQ veteran I'm definitely the target audience, but it delivered what I asked for. Great group content, games encourages actual social interaction between players. Very challenging at lvl 10+, really rewards coordination and communication. Game is dangerous which makes us much more aware of our surroundings. Was in a goblin group last night and we fought our way to the top of this giant temple and were rewarded with a great view + named mobs. It was tough and we wiped on the way. But better coordination allowed us to make it all the way up and we felt like champs once we got up there.

I personally don't care about the rough edges, I'm willing to tolerate an unpolished game because I currently can't play a modern group centric game like this anywhere else. Maybe Evercraft / MoM do better in the long run but I can play Pantheon now and its a lot of fun. The "10 years" argument is getting old, and while technically true it misses the point that they basically started over from scratch late 2020. So 6 years wasted due to major mistakes in their codebase, followed by new lead dev (Kyle) in 2020 -> restart from scratch and build the engine properly. 4 years dev time with a small team is a more realistic lens when assessing development speed.

If you have EQ nostalgia and have 40$ to spare its worth a shot.