Is it normal to feel physically exhausted after leaving an abusive boss?
I was dismissed from my most current role under a covert abusive boss. Long story short, I reported their inappropriate behavior to my workers’ union. We had a mediation, which was unsuccessful. No follow up occurred and [the mediation] was never mentioned to me again. My boss dismissed me via email 1.5 weeks later. When I first contacted my union, I knew the possibility of being terminated was a likely consequence, so I’ve mentally prepared for it for some time. I experienced a lot of anticipatory grief. When the mediation proved to be a failure, I no longer questioned if I would be terminated. I just didn’t know when it would happen. The best way I can describe it is that I knew I was in a speeding car heading towards a brick wall. I was just bracing myself for the impact. I’m sure that I’ll share my experience more in-depth when I feel better. Right now, it all feels overwhelming.
On one hand, I feel relieved knowing I will never have to see or work for this person again. I have been a shell of my former self. I have gained weight and my depression has worsened. For the past few days, however, I have felt absolutely exhausted and burned out. I think that all of the stress and tension I’ve held for the last six months is slowly releasing itself. As a result, I’ve had all-over body aches, soreness, and fatigue. The body aches come and go; my muscles are tight and I feel stiff. I’ve spent most of the past week entirely at home or in bed. Today, I actually left the house for a bit, but I still struggled with fatigue and I couldn’t stay out as long as I wanted to. I have a wonderful support system. I just feel so darn tired.
Aside from exercise and walking, what has helped you combat fatigue/burnout? I appreciate any advice. Thank you!