Wife asked for a break and I'm broken

Posting on a throwaway for obvious reasons.

My wife and myself have been married for 15 years now. We have 2 wonderful kids.

Things haven't honestly been great lately. The wife has been cold and distant. We have had a bit going on in our lives.

I finally asked her last night if she was ok. She admitted that she wasn't and that's she has emotionally checked out and has been waiting for the right time to tell me.

We spoke for a good hour and came to an agreement to have a break. What that actually looks like and will entail I have no idea.

That decision has broken me.

I want us to fix things and get back into a place that is good so we can provide a good home for our kids. She has told me that she's unsure it's fixable

I've suggested marriage counselling last night and she didn't seem to responsive to the idea. I am going to see someone, either with her or on my own.

I'm just lost and don't know what to do.