Conflicted: My wife sent me a beautiful heartfelt message...but it wasn't for me.

This evening, my wife sent me a long heartfelt email. We've been through a lot these past 7 months, having lost our pregnancy of twins 2 months ago. We promised each other that we'd be there for one another to go through this time and we got closer, a lot closer.

I opened the email and I read the words and I'm elated at first but the feeling soon fades away as I recognise some of the words. Back in her university days, she used to date a guy and she was really into him. They had a thing of sending each other long emails and I've seen come of them. I remember one in particular and thinking to myself, "hey, why don't I get an email?". Looking at the structure of the words, you can tell that she modified bits and pieces of them to fit into the context of me, however, there are other places she left out, places that describe things that are untrue about our current relationship as a couple. There's even a point where she said "boyfriend trousers"

On one hand, I do appreciate the gesture. I love these sort of things and the idea that I'm being thought of fondly. On the other hand....I can't quite describe the feeling, to be honest. It just doesn't feel real, like she picked an old email, cobbled it and repurposed it and sent my way. If I hadn't seen the original email, I wouldn't feel like this but now I just feels...not my own.

TL:DR - My wife sent me a heartfelt email but it's not for me.