How would you meditate to develop a ferocious, warrior look on your face?

We are all aware that meditation causes us to feel peaceful, calm, and joyful and that such feelings are reflected on our face and in our eyes. But what if someone wants develop the ferocious look on his face - the look of the warrior. How would you go about ‘meditating’ in that case?

It seems to me that the more you meditate, the more you develop the opposite of the ferocious look on your face. You develop peace, calmness, tranquility and such a face is attractive in its own way.

But what if - for whatever reason - someone wanted to develop the ferocious look of a warrior on his face. Examples of such looks from the TV series “Game of Thrones” would be Tywin Lannister, Khal Drogo, and Stannis Baratheon . For a person, looking to develop such a look, wouldn’t the traditional meditation techniques — focus on breath, body scanning, etc - develop the reverse qualities on his face?

How should such a person go about developing such a look on his face (and energy in his body)?

I am writing with the assumption that both qualities have value in the society. The peaceful, calmness, tranquility is valuable for society. And also the ferocious look on some people has value for the society, as exemplified in the TV series, by keeping enemies in check.