Can we talk abt the physical pain of miscarriage?!

The “cramps” are NOT cramps they literally have me crying and can’t talk. They are contractions. You dilate to 4-5 cm with a natural miscarriage and god can you feel it. It’s birth your pushing out everything the sac the placenta the fetus. I labored for five excruciating hours this time. This is my third miscarriage and the pain your body goes through and endures through this whole experience really shows how strong I thought I was and how strong I was to get through it. I see everyone talk abt the mental pain but what your body goes through and what comes out of you is TRAMA all In itself. I’m so so sorry for everyone who has joined this page and what your going through or have gone through. Ik it’s hard and frustrating.

These are some things that have helped me I hope it helps someone too. Pamprin is the only pain med that semi helps I’ve found. Diapers are a life saver they make period diapers that go all the way front to back and are a life saver! A HOT bath and laboring in it really helps with back pain and the contractions. Iron! Please take iron as soon are you start bleeding your gonna be weak from all the blood you lose with that also water drink a ton! A heating pad is a MUST Wet wipes (no fragrance) please buy some they wont irritate the area as much with how much wiping you’ll be doing.