Let’s all remember no matter what, there are actual humans behind the Ban Announcement
No matter what happens if the ring gets banned, if the ring doesn’t get banned, whatever. You can quit the format, you can be mad, you can even burn your collection in the back yard. The one thing you CANNOT and really really should not do is send death threats to anyone involved in the ban decisions. These are real people just doing their jobs, sure they work for a greedy corporation but at the end of the day it’s not a personal decision, it’s just part of their job.
This is a passionate hobby and that’s a really good thing but it can also be a not so good thing when people get super angry about this stuff. Anger is not the problem, you can be mad it’s how you handle it that is the problem. Do not harass or dox or send threats at anyone who is or you may think is involved in the decision.
Please just keep it civil. It’s a game.
That being said ban the ring for gods sake.