Nikah should be EASY for both men and women (comments on the previous post)
There was a post made earlier on this subject and someone was really triggered because of that so I am making this post to clear some confusions.
We do not make the rules of Islam based upon our feelings or the actions of Muslims. The rules have already been legislated by Allah and his Prophet (saw).
If nikah is easy then divorce will be easy?
If some one wants to make nikah easy so that he can divorce easily whenever he wants than he is not following Islam.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: Allah did not make anything lawful more abominable to Him than divorce (Sunan Abi Dawood 2177)
Even if a women is divorced or a widow Islam encourages us to make remarrying extremely easy for her
Marrying A Widow: “A giver of maintenance to the widows and the poor is like a giver in the way of Allah (SWT), a worshiping person all night and fasting during the day.” (Bukhari)
If there are hurdles in the way for divorcees and widows as it is in south Asia it is purely cultural and has nothing to do with Islam. Making Nikah easy will make it easier for these people to find a mate.
No true muslim sees widows and divorcees as some lesser beings and if someone does and acts like that then he should be brought to justice according to Islam.
He should be financially mature etc etc:
Sahl ibn Sa’d reported: I was among people with the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, as a woman stood up and she said, “O Messenger of Allah, she has given herself in marriage to you, so what is your answer?” The Prophet did not reply. She stood up again and she said, “O Messenger of Allah, she has given herself to you, so what is your answer.” The Prophet again did not reply. She stood up a third time and she said, “She has given herself in marriage to you, so what is your answer?” A man stood up and he said, “O Messenger of Allah, marry her to me.” The Prophet said, “Do you have anything as a dowry?” He said no. The Prophet said, “Go find something, even an iron ring.” The man went and searched, then he came back and he said, “I could not find anything, not even an iron ring.” The Prophet said, “Have you learned anything from the Quran?” He said, “Yes, I know some chapters.” The Prophet said, “Go, for I have married you both with what you have learned from the Quran.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4854, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1425
The Prophet (saw) did not say how will u feed and cloth her because rizq is in the hands of Allah.
Marry off the free singles among you, as well as the righteous of your bondmen and bondwomen. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing - Surah nur 32
People who marry based solely on the finances of the other person do so due to the disease of materialism that has penetrated their hearts.
Slandering women (whether they are guilty or not)
This is one of the greatest sins a person can commit even if he did so jokingly or casually. Allah has decreed severe punishment on such people. If we had an Islamic state you would have seen these people getting flogged.
Those who accuse chaste women of adultery and fail to produce four witnesses, give them eighty lashes each. And do not ever accept any testimony from them—for they are indeed the rebellious - Surah Nur 4
The ulema say even if they are guilty then it is obligatory on you to hide their sins.
Why did Islam make marriage easy
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: "O, young people whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.)" AlBukhari
Nikah is the way Allah has given to men to fulfill their desires in a matter pleasing both to Allah and his prophet aka halal way. If we make this difficult men will fulfill them in haraam acts and the result will be similar to the west. Crime rates are skyrocketing due to single mothers, fathers are out for the milk, overall degeneracy is rampant, every second black infant in the US is aborted etc. And all this is just the beginning of moral decay and its going to get alot worse.
Its better to follow Islam as it is and not follow your personal feelings which are dictated by the materialistic programming that has been done on us since birth.