Is this a new high?
So I'm grinding rep in Theater as usual and sweating every game to get that 0.2 crap knowing that it's still gonna take months to get to vet 2.
And here comes this dude who in an extremely close game (against a gold and a purple for some reason, we all bronze) decides it's goddamn cool to do a cartwheel or what that shit's called after every bucket, leaving to his man a full highway to go undisturbed and make wide open 3s. THREE TIMES. You would think that after he got burnt the first time he'd stop that bullshit, but he didn't and it eventually cost us the game.
Before anyone says that, he wasn't selling out: played the game normally until the end, and ended with the same grade as us.
How can you be so fucking dumb? And is this how golds and purples get their plates? Why are these people always on my side and never on theirs?