Why men can't take no as an answer

This guy who is my brother's friend has been getting on my nerves so badly. My brother trusts him so he sent him to pick me up and he said khaja khayera jam when I told it's already getting late and he kept insisting saying Khana Ni khaxoinw maile so I agreed. And no I didn't eat anything but this guy met his uncle and began to introduce me and what an old man will think when a boy is introducing a girl that she is his girlfriend right and I just greeted him but I was low in balance so dada lai phone garna milirathiyena and I asked him to transfer me money and I'll pay him back he said card kindinchu I was like ok. Then we went to the near shop they said they don't sell recharge card so I asked them for wifi access and they gave it. Paisa Haley ani dai lai text gardai thiye and he suddenly touched my nose like tyo huncha ni naramro way ma I looked at him and said don't. Like he's my brother's friend ani why does he has to put his arms on my shoulders right, I tried to avoid him every possible way dai lai phone garchu vanda he said aba hidni ho so I shared my location to my brother and that man was pissed off for no reasons k.

And now he has been sending me texts and I'm ignoring it because all he cares about getting access to me. If he really loves me wouldn't he actually show respect towards me instead of hating me because I said no. He said I'm playing with him when I clearly told him no. I can only see him as my brother K and I've told him that, I've made it clear but still this man acts like I'm playing games if he's not accepting the truth why is he painting me as a bad woman. Also he keeps calling me for no reason and can't even block him because sometimes my brother calls me from his number