Neighborhood Welcome Signs not being allowed is Ridiculous
I think it is not fair that Neighborhood welcome signs are against wayfayer criteria. I live in a city where my apartment has 7 waystops that reach to my apartment.
I came to visit family in a more rural/suburb area and there is not one stop even remotely close to their house. There is almost nothing to submit except for a neighborhood welcome sign which was rejected immediately when I upgraded it.
Wayfayer should give communities a break that don’t have the money to install community art, plaques, neighborhood parks or trails. They all have a neighborhood welcome sign and that should be approved to at least give them one stop. Where I live my area has almost every S2 cell occupied then when I traveled to see family I see a completely empty grid for their whole area. Two waystops are needed to grant a gym and these areas are struggling to even have one eligable waystop marker! I’m out here writing emails to the city infrastructure and struggling to find any history/point of interest for any part of this area. This area requires so much work in order to find just one possible eligible stop.
There are whole forests with 30+ waystops that are just numbers nailed to a tree, which I think are fine because without that the area would just be blank anyways. But why is there more scrutiny to neighborhood welcome sign than the numbers nailed to a tree?? A neighborhood sign was is at least recognizable, easy to locate, and a space you could easily tell someone to meet you there.
I understand welcome signs are against the rules but I really wish this was reconsidered. I believe current policy on neighborhood entrance/welcome sign makes it unfair that you have to live in an affluent area for you to be able to have a enjoyable experience in the game.