New Chair Review - Flexispot C7 Max

Hey everyone, I've had my new chair for a few weeks now and would like to share some thoughts for anyone interested. It's a Flexispot C7 Max without the foot rest option.

The good!

The seat cushion is really thick and supportive. The armrest are a faux leather like material with some padding underneath as well as 4D maneuverability. The back and lumbar support is an adjustable mesh material. The fit and finish is decent, but do not expect any fine details of the higher priced brands.

The bad :(

I really do not like this type of headrest it seems. After two weeks, I find sitting at the chair without taking breaks to be uncomfortable for my neck. The way the headrest protrudes out pushes my head forward in an uncomfortable position. I've since removed the headrest and am learning how to sit again without it.

Overall, the chair is really comfortable for the back and your bum. But not my head. Maybe your head? :)

Office Setup Picture