There is a fine line between optimism and realism, but optimism is still possible

The sub rubs me the wrong way frequently in regards to Trump and all of that stuff going on.

I've seen lots of posts and comments talking about how the US won't invade Canada because the military will resist, or we won't invade Panama because that would be too crazy, or other things like that.

I love the idea of this sub, but optimism has to be balanced with realism.

We elected a fascist. We elected Nazis. Full stop.

There is a recently proposed bill in the House to repeal freaking OSHA, among dozens of other horrible acts that I could mention that have happened in literally just the last too weeks.

"Oh they would never do that, that would be too crazy!"

These people are fascists. They do not care. They do not have an ideology, other than what will get them more power. That's a fundamental aspect of fascism.

We elected them, and a hell of a lot of Americans, and US military members freaking love the guy. This the reality of the situation, and saying things like "oh that would be too crazy to happen" is frankly ignoring the severity of the situation that we are in.

I am deeply concerned about the next four years, and I think that this is the worst the US has been since the eve of the Civil War. And many historians feel the same way.

Shit. Is. Bad. We elected fascists, and Nazis. All bets are off, and don't think they won't try something insane, because they did Jan 6th just to try to stay in power.

That's not to say there is nothing that can be done though. I'm on Bernie's email list and he made some very good points. They have a majority in the senate and the house, but that is a three vote majority in the house. THESE PEOPLE RESPOND TO CALLS AND EMAILS!

Spam their inboxs, call them, write to them, if you have a republican representative, do whatever you can to let them know that that you will hold them accountable if bad shit passes into law. Protest, organize letter writing campaigns whatever you can do, because all of the bad laws that will get passed, and bad people that will get appointed will only happen with a razor thing majority vote.

Be optimistic, and recognize these facts, and that those are real options available to regular people, but for the love of god, do not bury your head in the sand.

We elected a fascist, and all bets are off now.

If you've ever felt the urge to stand up and resist bad policy decisions, now is the time. We can get through this, but it will not be an easy fight