Let’s Unite to Report & Unsubscribe Ducky Bhai, Talha Reviews, Rajab Butt & Other Toxic Family Vloggers

Have you noticed the kind of content that’s trending these days? Channels like Ducky Bhai, Talha Reviews, Rajab Butt, and a bunch of other so called “family vloggers” are being watched in our homes. This is the kind of stuff that’s influencing younger generations cheap drama, toxic fights, and mindless entertainment.

Is this really what we want our kids, siblings, and future generations to look up to? Is this the standard of “content creation” we’re willing to accept?

It’s time to take action. Let’s unite, report, and unsubscribe from these channels. The more engagement they get, the more they’ll thrive. We need to demand better content and stop feeding into this garbage.

If you agree, drop a comment and let’s make this movement bigger!