People who think end game can be like the campaign - I'm sorry but you will be disappointed
This is just my take as a poe1 veteran with multiple thousand hours and some hundreds on poe2 The problem is not something that can be "fixed" no matter what GGG does
I'll explain my take: The reason the campaign feels good for some/most people is that the variance in character power is quite low in campaign. Even let's say a completely meta vs off meta build will be maybe 1-5x difference in power. So the same boss that might take someone 10 sec might take another 50 sec, and the off meta guy will feel very satisfied and thrilled that he was able to beat the boss and dodge mechanics and so on.
However as you accumulate levels/nodes/skills/gear, the variance chasm becomes gigantic. Just by virtue of how beautiful complex/deep/wide the game is, you will have situations where someone is near the character power max levels at say 200k dps, while another can hit 1000 million (a real example from poe1)
So as a gamer of either camp you want the game to be possible and doable in the end game content. So what can ggg psssibly do to make that a reality?
The same map or boss that takes the former guy 5 mins will take the latter guy 20 sec
Put in another way, if an end game boss has 1 trillion hp, the fight will be satisfying for some group of elite Poe gamers and downright impossible for others
If it has 1 million hp, it will be satisfying for casuals but absolutely pointless for the hardcore players.
The truth will be somewhere in the middle of that spectrum but ultimately the issue remains- as your character progresses, the potential for power becomes larger and larger meaning the variance between two characters becomes larger and larger.
There is no solution to this issue (I guess except for what WoW does where monsters are scaled based on character power level - which is terrible design), or to have phasing bosses/immunity periods etc which is also a terrible design
That's my two cents. You will always have a "zoom" end game because there will always be zoomers