Warrior has ruined this game for me.

Because it is by far the most satisfying class of the available classes.

Sure spamming spark and walking forward while everything in the surrounding zip code dies, or blinking around with dual heralds while enemies explode in ice and shock is cool, and is a more efficient way to run maps. But I say nothing is more enjoyable than using stampede into a crowd with armor break gems stacked, and watching a chain reaction of explosions and ignite damage, or casting a max endurance charge + seismic cry slam Hammer of gods and watching the aftershocks melt bosses. Warrior may be the slowest class, and the cast times for almost every skill like Sunder are rough to deal with, but it is so enjoyable. The fact you can miss while pushing your face into enemies is a dumb design choice, however swinging your basic attack and watching enemies detonate is wonderful. Each skills feels meaty when it connects. With capped resistances and almost capped armor, not including increases from spirit gems, as well as around 3k energy shield added in, I die once out of maybe 10 T15 maps.

While Warrior is definitely the weakest of all the classes so far, it is by far the most enjoyable, and makes me not want to play any of my other builds cause they feel so mindless and boring (but minion witch is second). Melee has been clowned on in Poe2 and 1, but if GGG is able to improve it even a bit, as well as give armor just a bit more of a tuneup, I don't see myself playing anything else than the melee classes on full release until months later.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.