Dropped a Rakiata's Dance. Give me a build project (for Shadow or Ranger) that will make the next 2.5 days go by faster
Major Preconditions:
As per title, I have a 97 Shadow or 96 Ranger available and plenty of currency to reroll.
Pls no Lightning Strike, Frost Blades, or Molten Strike - I've had my fill of those...
I really really hate glass cannons, always prefer extra tank over extra damage. (and yes, I am aware I just asked for a tanky 2hand sword build with ranger or shadow. But hey, this is reddit, ancestral home of unrealistic expectations...).
Minor preconditions:
I have a 98% adorned and ~5k alterations that I've wanted to use all league and haven't found the right build. Major bonus for any build that can fit that in. (also have a Shroud of Lightless that Ive wanted to try - and already 6linked the Rakiata)
I've got a bunch of Evasion/ES gear lying around - it's probably my favorite archetype. Been wanting to play Splitting Steel trickster all league but missed the EE corruption about 10 times and don't want to play without it.
So far, Splitting Steel Rakiata sounds most intriguing and I'm leaning that way unless you can convince me of something better :)