I got put on 24/7 call

I'm not trolling. I'm in a surgical field where they do home call. Residents keep calling out sick-and I've always been known as the hard working one...so I'm not allowed to. By this I mean that when I was actually sick, hospitalized, attendings called me and cursed me out.

Now we have no coverage for the next week and I'm on call 24/7. I'm cancelling all my surgeries, as I don't find it safe to operate sleepless on someone.

ACGME doesn't have rules on home call. Maybe I won't violate 80. But...being available at all times of day and night is the worst.

Does anyone have any recourse? i'm honestly considering handing in my resignation letter. 5 more months of this or more isn't easy.

EDIT by cancelling surgeries I mean I opt out of them. The attending may or may not still do them. I don't feel safe operating after 3-4 nights of no sleep

EDIT I should also add that ever since I got married earlier in residency, attendings repeatedly asked me if I intended to get pregnant or if I was pregnant and they said they asked me due to worries regarding staffing. I put off my intention to begin a family as a result of this. The attendings even defended themselves saying its a perfectly fair question

EDIT I must also add that while I was on VACATION, literally vacation and getting married, I had attendings calling and yelling at me asking why I wasn't available for consults. I was not even assigned call! I was out of town, and in one case the country-I was in mexico.

EDIT I don't wish to name and shame, but to those of you asking on here or on private DMs what region I'm in, it's the midwest.