Idk who needs to hear this but

You’re worth more than a grade and how “well” you do in your classes. I just recently failed an exam for a major class by a lot but I’m not going to blame anyone other than myself for my shortcomings. If you want to feel better about yourself, I’ve never been a perfect student. Definitely no high gpa (no I’m not one of those people that whine about having a 3.9 instead of a 4.0), WAY below avg sat and act in high school (not to mention I failed a class and a regents) but that’s not stopping me from pursuing grad school. If I have to take a year or two off to retake classes to get my gpa up and perfect these standardized exams I’ll do it. (Okay if you feel a lot better about yourself now, you’re way ahead than you think).

To anyone that’s really struggling out there with imposter syndrome or feeling inadequate with themselves, don’t let your gpa or grades define your intelligence! In 15 years it won’t matter at all and everyone is on a different timeline. People take a lot longer than 4 years to finish school, people drop out and go to trade and are still successful. Some will take years off and return a lot later. We never know where we’ll end up. I’m not trying to say grades don’t matter, they definitely do, especially if you want to go to grad school, but don’t be discouraged by failure. It’s like a vehicle to push your forward and as cliche as it sounds, you can’t build success out of nothing. Failure and adversity has always taught me more than success has. We have like an average of 60 ish years left of being alive, one or two or three or even four years of a setback is really nothing in the grand scheme of it all. Keep pushing and take care of yourself