Who actually applies controller rules
I do not know who decides to make the rules for what controllers would be legal or not. Is it just the TO's of majors that decide individual rulesets for their tournament? I think its insane we allow stuff like NOTCHES on controllers. Z jumping I think isn't fair unless we have a mod to allow everyone to controller remap. Melee just is not meant to be played on a boxx simply there is no balancing there and no reason for someone to play on it, if your hands cannot handle it then you cannot play competitively in tournament I don't see how that is a unreasonable thing to say its that way in every competitive sport . I think overall notches is the craziest thing we have just allowed. How is that not literally cheating can someone explain? I think the skill of having to input ur wavedash length and recovery angles is important??? Like why would that be something to remove.... just makes gameplay less impressive and lowers skill gaps, hopefully someone important can make a real stance soon on this.