Idea - GL Jedi Master Mace Windu

GL Jedi Master Mace Windu


1 of 3
Mace Windu R7
Grand Master Yoda R5
Padawan Obi-Wan R3
Master Qui-Gon R3

2 of 3
Jango Fett R5
Plo Koon R5
Kit Fisto R3
Eeth Koth R3

3 of 3
Jedi Knight Anakin R5
Darth Sidious R5
Endurance 7 stars

Here me out!

I have been playing since June 2024, relatively new to the game. I am NOT a f2p player, have several LSB and yet to get my first GL - SLKR. Let's be honest - most of galactic legends people are getting using light speed bundles nowadays. The requirements I showed are easier then all the current GLs. There are 2 key points I would love to see this GL achieving.

  1. Will be a finale to an early/mid game journeys, which will build you a good GL late game camp, meanwhile getting GAS and aiming towards JMK, somewhat like JKL is for the rebels and GL Leia.
  2. It will become a so desired f2p option to get a galactic legend and will help players be focused in their farms. Also has a Jedi LSB for those who want to speed up process.

WIth such a low requirements, I understand that it definitely should be the weakest one. Maybe even without 6 zetas like the other ones, but you should be able to build a true Galactic Republic Jedi camp with him before you get JMK, which is the hardest one IMO, as he has very small amount of correlation in terms of farming with other GLs.

It should not interfere with monetization of the game, since it does not help getting other GLs that much.

Whats your thoughts?

P.S. sorry for grammar mistakes if there are any, not my first language.