Sarah Boone's Chances at Appeal - ZERO

As someone with no legal experience I'm putting on my Dunning-Kruger lawyer's wig and saying Sarah has ZERO chance at appeal because of the following. Any opinions for or against from my learned and non-learned colleagues? 'Learned colleague' being a phrase that lawyers use to each other in the UK if our U.S. friends are not so familiar with it.

I'm guessing she's got no chance at appeal as I think Judge Kraynick did such a masterful statement with case law making her Pro Se that she stands no chance on that as an appeal issue. Nor does she on the short time Owens had to prepare as he had years of other lawyers work, psychologist and PI research at his disposal, a team of lawyers, plus the time he had also ties in further with Kraynick's masterfully written Pro Se legal decision. Owens is a sleaze but I'm glad he turned up to help scupper any appeal issues. Including that 'Yes' Sarah was happy with his counsel every day.

I can't recall the other aspects she might appeal on?

Though she'll no doubt be asking her Appellate lawyer to appeal on ridiculous things like:
- the suitcase zip had got rusty over 4 years
- the jury didn't see her at her best without a professional hair stylist and makeup artist to the stars
- she didn't have enough energy to make her lie filled statement in the witness box as Judge Kraynick denied her sugar snacks
- the sentencing should have been delayed because once she'd turned fully from ceramic into gold Jesus was going to turn up as her witness, etc, etc