Attack on Titan has NOT ended yet (Isayama and School Castes)
Please read this to the end. I hope this serves as a reminder.
I will also talk at the end about the problem that the “AOE believers” had, and I will mention the problem of "AOT Requiem".
When the finale came out back in 2021 in Manga, we also had a School Castes chapter. In this chapter, Eren, Armin and Mikasa go to see a movie at the cinema. As you may know, the movie they are watching is the very end of the Manga, the last chapters (139.5, 139, 138...).
Then, we see 2 different opinions about the movie, i.e. the end of the Manga:
On the one hand, Armin indicates that he did not like the movie. Rather, he was disappointed. He liked the series so much that he had been theorizing about it for a decade. And yet, as he says, in the end the “Mystery remains”, a lot is left open-ended, and his questions are left unanswered.
On the other hand, Mikasa indicates that he liked the movie. She thinks it is good that it is an open ending. She tells Armin that it is possible that the authors wanted to leave things to the imagination. She doesn't mind that things are left unresolved, and she doesn't seem to have been as into the series as Armin.
As you may already know, this is exactly Isayama showing us that he was aware of the reception the ending was going to get.
He knew that there were going to be people who were not very into the series, who would like the ending even if it was predictable and simple; and people who would be very into Shingeki no Kyojin, theorizing a not very predictable ending, who would be disappointed to see that the doubts are not resolved, that the themes introduced in the work are not resolved.
This shows that Isayama already knew that there would be people who would not like the ending as it would break with certain themes introduced from the beginning of the series and left open at the end (Eren does not achieve freedom and becomes a slave to Paths and fate as happened to Ymir, Ymir erases his existence instead of achieving freedom, the curse of the Titans remains and the cycle continues, Paradis is destroyed, etc.)
Armin would be disappointed because, despite the fact that from the beginning of the series we are shown that Eren pursues freedom, he does not get it and, even worse, he becomes a slave of Paths and fate itself; because despite the fact that from the beginning we are told that only he who can sacrifice something can change something, in the end nothing changes and the cycles continue, like the cycle of hatred or the curse of the Titans; that is why Armin, who has been loving the series for more than 10 years, feels disappointed.
So if Isayama knew this would happen, why did he make this ending, this movie, even though he knew it would completely divide the fans?
Let's see:
According to the division caused by the Ending, fans were divided into those who were very into the work and expected a much better ending (Armin), and those more casual fans who preferred an open ending, which they could fill in with their imagination (Mikasa).
But then, who does Eren represent? Eren would represent Isayama himself.
The two types of fans decide to ask a third person to validate their opinions, Eren, that would be Isayama. And what does Eren say about the the movie?
Eren, i.e. Isayama, reconciles the fans by telling them that he had a good time watching the movie with them, and also says that, if there is a next film, that they should go see it together.
However, this has not happened yet.
Fans are still divided. Even if they both like the rest of the series, there are the ones saying the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin was garbage and others saying it was perfect.
So what does Isayama want to tell us through Eren? He doesn't even have an opinion on the movie itself.
The key is: “If there is a next one, we should go see it together again”
Eren, therefore Isayama, is hinting “Next Movie”. And he tells both Ending Defenders and Ending Haters that they should go see it together.
Isayama is telling us, even though the "First Movie" (the Manga Ending) has divided the fandom, that both Ending Haters and Defenders should go together to see the "Next Movie" if there is one.
If Eren wanted to simply calm Armin and Mikasa down, he could have simply said that he had a great time watching the movie with them. Instead, the “Next Movie” thing is added in a subtle way.
What is my conclusion?
The Movie they are releasing in February, The Last Attack, is the First Movie they are talking about in School Castes.
Not the end of the Manga, but specifically the "The Last Attack" movie.
This means that, after this movie, after this February 2025, there could be a Next Movie.
Isayama asks us, whether we liked or disliked that First Movie, to go and see that Next Movie.
The Next Movie will be the one that will unite the fandom again. The Next Movie will not only please Armin, but Mikasa will also like it. That's what would represent the reconciliation between Armin and Mikasa.
The Next Movie will please both those who hated the First Movie and those who liked it.
Now, when would this Next Movie be released? That's another topic, but my prediction, based on Isayama's clues, is either April 2025 or April 2026, as it should be in Spring.
And, personally, also due to the hints Isayama has left for the series, I think the Next Movie will show the Full Ending of Akatsuki no Requiem .
However, Akatsuki no Requiem is NOT be the same as AOT Requiem.
Why? Because the problem with AOT Requiem is that the Manga ending is replaced by another one.
That is NOT Akatsuki no Requiem, that is a misinterpretation of Akatsuki no Requiem.
Akatsuki no Requiem can't happen if the Manga Ending hasn't happened.
Both Endings are sides of the same coin.
Akatsuki no Requiem could not have come out back in 2021 because it needs the context of the Manga Ending.
Shingeki no Kyojin will be completely interpreted NOT only by the Fist Movie (The Last Titan, Manga ending adapted), NOT only by the Next Movie (Akatsuki no Requiem), but by the complete picture that the both endings form.
The endings will complement each other, and if we only analyze one, and not the 2, we will lack context. Both the Manga Ending and Akatsuki no Requiem will make complete sense once the “Next Movie” is released.
Now, what is the problem that the “AOE believers” have had?
It is not about the content of the theory, as it is a fairly accurate interpretation about Akatsuki no Requiem.
The problem has been that, most of them (not all), were not able to accept that the Manga Ending had to be adapted BEFORE Akatsuki no Requiem.
The hype caused them to think that Akatsuki no Requiem was going to be released in 2022, then in 2023, then in 2024... And it never happened.
That's the thing, that Akatsuki no Requiem wasn't going to happen BEFORE February 2025, because that's when The Last Attack movie comes out.
How is the Next Movie going to come out if the First Movie hasn't come out yet?
If we haven't seen Eren say “If there is a next one, we should go see it again”, how can there be a Next Movie before?
That's why, since we had that School Castes chapter in 2021, the Manga ending was destined to be adapted as a movie. Not simply as Cour 1 and Cour 2, but specifically as the movie, as The Last Attack. With the School Castes scene.
So, if there is a next movie, I hope we can all enjoy it together, no matter if you love or hate the ending.