Sian with Theo is reciprocation not love

Every scene with sian and Theo looks straight out of a movie. Even the last scene where she told him he’s her third priority, maybe it’s the beauty of the place or idk. I feel bad for Theo but honestly, if sian chose him it would be wrong. We can see that she doesn’t like him. If you choose someone just because they like you, that’s reciprocation not love. I think love is something where you have no expectations from the other person but you can’t help but find yourself drawn to them. Theo deserves someone who loves him.

Also I kinda like jun seo and sian together. There are many rumors that are dating and the amount of hate that their relationship is getting, I hope it doesn’t affect their relationship if they are actually dating. He seems to be the only one who can handle her and she genuinely seems attracted to him.

I don’t even understand jenonsu? Like bro wth? What do you mean it’s unacceptable for sian to keep her head on junseos shoulder. He said he’s the conservative type just by seeing her put her shoulder on junseo, imagine his reaction on seeing the bed scene. Also wasn’t he the one who hopped on the bed with hyejin without her permission, caressed her hair and matter of fact, sian slept on his shoulder too????