How to respond to people calling my tunnels disgusting

Sorta a vent post but recently people in general (granted mostly my mother) have been approaching me asking why i mutilated my ears , claiming it’s disgusting and horrendous. Even strangers when I’m out in public will approach me and tell me I need to go to a surgeon to “fix myself”. It honestly fills me with a lot of hate and makes me want to just blow up on the person. Like I just want to live my life

Sorta a vent post but recently people in general (granted mostly my mother) have been approaching me asking why i mutilated my ears , claiming it’s disgusting and horrendous. Even strangers when I’m out in public will approach me and tell me I need to go to a surgeon to “fix myself”. It honestly fills me with a lot of hate and makes me want to just blow up on the person. Like I just want to live my life