The devs don’t plan to nerf the stronger descendants, but instead plan to buff the underperforming ones.
This severe aversion to nerfs is what I believe is going to ultimately kill this game.
We’ve seen it with Freyna, and now we’ve seen an extreme case of it with Ines where the bar just keeps getting raised on descendants power, currently the bar has been raised so high that the underperforming descendants can barely keep up in the new content, and ONE character (Ines) basically trivializes it with how strong she is.
They tried reworking descendants and it barely had an effect on their place in the game currently.
They THEN decided to release a descendant who is so strong that they basically leap frogged over Bunny, AND Freyna in power, I’m genuinely starting to believe that this game just does not care about balance, because how can you look at all of this and then decide welp, we’ll just keep buffing underperforming descendants when clearly that route is just not working.
You can buff the underperforming descendants all you want, but with how high the power gap is currently, and seeing as how that said power is going to just keep rising with every new descendant released, I cannot see how this approach is sustainable.
The top 3 currently invalidate the use of every other descendant in the game outside of colossi content, and if you release a new descendant who is then stronger than Ines (which you’d have to at this point.) then this issue is only going to get worse.
We at the point to where this only buff stance is going to slowly poison the future of this game, because it’s going to create a never ending cycle of reworking descendants, only for those descendants to still not be on the level of other top performing ones, then the current top performing descendant getting power crept with a new release, and said new content needing to be hard enough for said top performers, which then alienates the use of other descendants not on the level of said top performers, it will never stop.
I am not happy with the direction the devs are going in terms of the balance for this game, not happy at all, and this approach is only going to hurt the future health of TFD, not help it.
But that’s all I have to say about it.