Defiler 101

Have you ever wiped in a public groups vs the Defiler?
[Raises Hand]

I know I have, however, there were many more successful session as well.
This isn't meant to be an absolute must do, just a suggestion to make your life easier with this Colossus.

Things to pay attention to:
- Purple toxic cloud surrounding Defiler, you get close, you die
- Enraged, it will start monkeying around, jumping and doing Hulk smash, if you're targeted, just run
- Don't group up in front of boss monkey, he will drop a giant spikey pool of acid to melt you away
- When you see rockets launch from the back, it's always 3 shots per person, shown by green circle on ground
- Purple bullets, they're extremely high speed, but not penetrative, so hide behind walls

Things not to do:
- Do not for the love of bananas, resurrect your teammates during the rocket barrage, wait until he fired all 3 shots (unless you're Yujin, because he's MVP)
- Do not bring Ajax unless you're going to pop shield, and shield dome doesn't protect against rocket barrage
- No underage participant is allowed, do not bring anyone under 40 to this fight, you'll get wiped and burden your teammates
- Do not bring any other elements weapons, other than electric, or slotted with electric enchantment, otherwise you'll just be throwing pebbles at the giant monkey, he'll laugh at you then squish you

Side Notes:
- You don't need Antivenom or Toxic resistances, but it does help, especially on your first run to get a feel of the boss
- Pure DPS doesn't work, you're just asking to be steamrolled, add some HP Amplification and Increased HP
- If you're running Ines, use Time of the Hunting Hounds module, it'll turn all your skills to Tech, this way Secret Garden can boost all your skills
- Surprising the EXCAVA is doing some mad damages, especially the grenade passive skill from aiming the weapon, this is what I use to shoot while waiting for skill cooldown
- Whether you win the match or not, it's courteous to say GG at the end of it

PS: If anyone got anything else to add, or if something here isn't up to speed, feel free to send your pigeon letters below.