Whu did the writers try to paint the narrative as Kathrine was a betrayer in the flashbacks in 2×19.
Like in season 2 episode 19 they actually have Elijah tell Elena how he and Klaus met Kathrine and seconds after saying that they have Elena say that even though Elijah wants Klaus dead with her own words Elena says "you still made Kathrine pay for betraying Klaus" like I get she could just be showing what Elijah thinks but it sounds like even Elena view what Kathrine did not laying down and dying a Betryal like why did the witters make it seem that even when she was innocent somehow she was in the wrong .
And before that Elijah tells Elena that "death would be too easy for her after what she did''. Like was this just to see how delusional he is or did the writers actually tried to paint the narrative as Kathrine was selfish for not laying down and dying for them.
Also I like to point out that this is also when we find out that Elijah may have had a elixir that might have saved her life after the ritual was performed and even then he makes it sound like her running was a personal Betrayal to him.
1) Kathrine doesn't owe Elijah a damn thing he manipulated and lied to her for months why should she trust him.
2) again like I said she was lied and manipulated for months that she didn't even know there was a ritual and that she was going to get sacrficed until I think the day before the ritual like Kathrine didn't even know Elijah might have had a elixir but again even if she knew everything why should she trust him.
Like I get she betrays people later on but come on the writers actually are trying to make her the villan by having the people who ruined her life make it seem like her running from them is some betrayal they even had Elena say it like why did the writers make it seem in episode 19 season 2 that Kathrine was wrong for not trusting Elijah or just in general.
But most of all I hate how they even had rose act like Kathrine is to blame for how her life turned out like how does rose blame Kathrine for what Elijah and klaus did to them Kathrine only said "better you die than I" hours after rose made it clear she didn't care if Kathrine was innocent or not she was gonna turn Kathrine back in to klaus to save herself so when Kathrine doesn't just let rose take her back why does the narrative make it look like Kathrine is the villain for it when rose tried to save herself first.
Again this isn't about what Katherine does later on this is about how even when she was innocent the writers try to make it seem like she was betraying people when it was the complete opposite Klaus Elijah and trevor betrayed her not the other way around .