Are there any transmed youtubers that are actually good?

I know that because most transsexual just want to be stealth or are living a lot better being stealth, starting a youtube channel with a lot of the videos being about transsexuality isn't something most of us would do.

And I think most transmed youtubers just end up wanting to prove how they're "normal transsexuals" so bad that they just end up in a very bad place.

Like Blair White who just calls herself a "male living as female", believes her childhood trauma made her trans iirc and is very much conservative. Or kelvin garrah who I don't know too much about except for when he cyber bullied a trender. I know trenders are annoying af and do A LOT of harm to our community, but I think explaining what's wrong with Tucute mentality and criticising it would just have been a way better solution.

Other than that I never heard of any transmed youtubers. But I kind of want to know if there's any reasonable transmed youtubers, I myself am definitly quite left, so a transmed who is left leaning or at least not right wing would probably align with my opinions a lot more.