What exactly is transmedicalism?
I have scrolled through some top posts on this sub and I feel a little confused. I get that it’s saying that this is a medical issue to be resolved.. I think.
I’m trying to evaluate myself in this context. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a girl. I grew up as a typical boy and didn’t really have an “out of place” experience when it came to cultural things, I just played with the toys I was given and the friends my parents arranged playdates with.
But starting when I was 9 or 10, I began dreaming of being a girl. Would go to bed praying to god to make me one. I found out about sex changes at 15 or 16 and told myself repeatedly I would get one at 18 (knew nothing about the time frames necessary for transition, lol).
But ultimately I never came out, though I did come very close to telling my mom at 17. Even as I matured and gained more confidence in who I am as a person, the feelings remained and they are still with me at 31. I truly like the person I am, but can’t shake the dysphoria of wanting a female body. I just want to look in the mirror and see a woman looking back..
I repressed all of this deeply my whole life and blended in well. And that has created problems for me now, because anybody I have told lately has been completely shocked and said “there were no signs.” So I’m at a bit of a crossroads and I think taking a more medical view of this could be helpful for me.
I posted on the asktransgender sub asking why their is such animosity towards thinking of this as a mental disorder. In my mind, it kind of is. And like other disorders, it requires treatment to fix.
Just hoping to learn a bit more about this community and how my experience lines up. If I were to transition, there is no desire to go halfway. I would want to live as closely to a typical binary woman as possible.