Now BlueSky is back to almost pre-election usage levels, liberals should be embarrassed with themselves for their certainty that X was dead.
BlueSky is slowly dying back off. X is going to remain the place to go for all sides of the political spectrum to argue, get news, and discuss interests. Because most people like arguing on the internet, despite what they say, and the culture of extreme blocking and censorship on BlueSky makes it boring as hell.
The blocking purity spirals are like a cultural equivalent of pol pots killing fields. nothing is left but quiet.
On the one hand, replacing a juggernaut like X is hard and its isn't surprising it didn't work out. And BlueSky will be as irrelevant as TruthSocial. But, if only the liberals hadn't run their victory laps so quickly and with such certainty.
Personally, I'm a left wing market socialist (anarchist), anti-capitalist, but also anti-idpol. But I ain't got much interest in a dull echo chamber for online discussions. Neither truth social nor bluesky. I'd rather argue it out here, on X or even on 4chan. More fun and less sanctimonious authoritarian liberals.
EDIT: Adding source for decling usage levels:
added cos bluesky propagandists are adding their irrelevant total user numbers which is irrelevant.