Transitioned to office job. Wow! Why is it so cringy??

So after 20 years of working out side, on building sites with tools I had enough and applied for office roles in my company.

What I don't believe is how cringey and brown nose people are.

The stuff I see on teams groups and the office jokes are unbelievable.

Are all offices like this? Because I'm not sure I can truly hack it forever.

You have people posting stuff at 11pm do do with the most random thing that can wait till the day. Stuff like PAT testing for your laptop. Yeah great.

And my god the jokes. And everyone brown nosing that person.

I'm at my wits end and if all offices are like this I'd rather go and work in a muddy hole repairing water mains in the middle of the night.

Please tell me I'm not the only one FFS.