Finally after waiting I got the call

I put in for an increase and TDIU about three months ago. Today I got a call to finally get my C&P exams. One Physical the other for mental health. I was able to schedule the physical exam for next week just a few towns over (maybe a 40 minute drive) great. I believe they are just looking at my knee rated at 0%, but is now more painful than ever with limited mobility in it. Next is my shoulder rated as a shoulder strain @20%. But have come to find out with a MRI years after the injury that I tore my rotator cuff. I have had to get it injected and need another one soon. This part is no problem. Then they went to schedule me for the psychological exam…. They want me to drive over 120 miles to get to an office in Connecticut. Even the woman who was trying to schedule it was like eewwww.. I cannot be in a car that long without going crazy with panic attacks or bad aggression. She said she can put me on a list to see if anyone comes closer to me for the exam. She offered me a telehealth exam but I have not had good luck with these as my broke ass does not own a computer and my phone sucks and drops connecting all the time.

How much is this going to screw my time line?