theory about something Taissa might do in the woods between now and rescue

In season one, after adult Tai realizes she's sleepwalking again, she tells Simone to leave the house and take Sammy because Tai's "afraid she's going to hurt them." That's in episode 8 of season one. It is not until season two when Tai finds the altar and realizes she killed biscuit.

So I'm thinking she must have had a violent sleepwalking episode where she hurt someone at least once 25 years ago when they were stranded. Otherwise why would her first thought be that she might hurt Simone or Sammy? All she knew she did on the adult timeline at that point was eat some dirt, climb a tree, and paint a wall.

One way it could go is if the group is debating whether to do another card draw and hunt or if they should wait, and Bad Tai gets up in the middle of the night and murders one of the girls. No more debate, no need to draw cards. Can't blame Tai -- it was Bad Tai.

There is actually a pretty famous case of a Non-REM Parasomnia sufferer not only murdering two people while sleepwalking, but also driving twenty miles while still asleep to do it. Link: