How many people do live in Himarë?
First, I want to apologize if I offend anyone with this question, as I had some unpleasant comments in a similar question I asked a while ago
I'm "researching" a bit (nothing academic, just for a hobby) about minorities in the Balkans (Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece...etc). And just for the record, I have 0 personal relation with this region (the nearest country to this zone that I've ever been is Italy), I just find it very interesting because of its diversity of cultures and languages.
One question that I have is about the situation of Greeks living in Himarë. I've come to the conclusion, based in many conversations with Albanians living near the zone, that the old town itself (Himarë Fshat, near the Himarë castle) is predominantely Greek speaking while the neighbourhoods that are close to the sea (like Spille, Potam...etc) were mainly Greek speaking, but now, due to tourism, many Albanians from other parts have moved there, so currently those zones are very mixed between Albanian and Greek native speakers.
I have 2 questions about this:
I would like to confirm that this is the case and I'm not biased towards any side. Could some local people confirm that this is basically the case?
How many people live in the old town (Fshat) and the neighbourhoods near the coast (Spille, Potam...etc)? I can't find any official figures, does someone here have anything? If not, can you state an approximation?
Hopefully this will be my last question on the topic here, as I've seen that the topic is quite sensitive for many
Faleminderit shumë!