Why anix/aniwave's death is a bigger deal than you think.

I know many people liked these websites mainly because of it's very friendly easy to use interface but many people don't know that aniwave had the biggest catalogue of any website I could ever find which are in existence maybe kissanime but it's not available anymore. Aniwave really had some very obscure anime or animations in general student projects, weird creepy things, historical pieces. Aniwave catalogue included around 12,300+ items. I tried to find something close of it but Max to max I was able to find websites with 7,300+ items 🤧 this is just a really big gap. I wonder how many content, OVAs, ONAs, specials we lost. Not only anime but many historical pieces, documentaries, indie doujins works lost forever. My biggest copium is that website will be back. We lost around 5,000 pieces of decades of work and history.