Evvvvvrybody wants to be Ash
You’re not anyyyy better I can assure you as an Ash main u still have to adapt. I say this for sake of duos/squads be considerate of your teammates. Yes I saw this coming. Yes it’s embarrassing. If you weren’t already decent with her her new perks will not be much use to u except MAYBE running away quicker. And ur safest skill marking death boxes is gone. So no Recon to help watch ur back
-Ash is best in PEAK positioning. If ur run n gun or just wanna trap ppl in snares and shoot it out she’s not for u. Position will always be your best friend. Obviously do wtf u want, but
-When picking upgrades don’t pick dual ult’s so u can runaway twice as fast, we notice and rightfully leave the game cuz wtf r u doing😭
-STAY WITH TEAM IF UR THE ONLY ASSAULT, u don’t have to be a meat shield but in critical traveling u may need to portal on the spot and they have to be behind u. Especially if nobody’s traversal on ur team.
I’m not a pro but I main her thru all her changes and have lost to a lot of Ash’s so if anybody has questions or comments I’ll tell u what I know/rebuttle
Now go be useful😐