Has anyone come to terms that they will be single until death?
I don’t think there is someone out there that will satisfy me but I also check all their boxes too. People always give advice to be satisfied and love yourself.
I’ve dealt with suicidal ideation for a long time and am tired in the cycle of self hate, so how are you guys dealing with liking yourselves? I’m truly unable to find happiness in single life, and I’m wondering if any of yall have figured it out.
I know it works for most people, but I would really appreciate non-orthodox or less common solutions. I’ve been in therapy for a long time and I know the typical answers of “going to a gym, meditation, joining social groups”. Being with other people really drains my battery and I find my SO to be one of the only people I can be around constantly, so being more social won’t work as great for me.
Thanks for reading.