Forget about time constraints or GRRM's age and ability or whatever... Would you prefer the main series being wrapped up in two more books like originally intended or three more books? [Spoilers Main]
Todd Howard be like: "See this poll? You can click it!"
Okay, but seriously, I've always thought that three more main books would be better... but we'll probably just get two more albeit massive books, probably really taxing what's publishable (I mean, they will be massive tomes, I have a feeling, either way). I also suspect that there will be more supplementary material explaining shit that couldn't be explained in the main seven (or eight) books, but whether GRRM will ever get to that is another thing entirely. Also, give reasons for why it should be finished in two more books or why three is the better option, if it is at all. Like, why or why not overall?
Welp, fire away.